Let's quickly talk about the things I experienced this past week. We picked up 2 new investigators that want to get baptized like right now. That really does happen.
I took out the new kids for a little street contacting training. Their mouths were gaped open the whole time as they watched me walk up to huge groups of people drinking, smoking and swearing and offer them a cute little picture of Jesus Christ and salvation. They were even more shocked when these people took the cards from me. That's right sisters, have no fear, we are on the winning team.
A bomb went off down the street from a lesson we were teaching the other day. It was actually perfect timing because we were talking about the ways we feel the spirit...BOOM. I couldn't have planned a better spirit bomb.
I stopped to talk to some pot smokers on the street the other day and we had a real heart to heart about the Word of Wisdom. I even got them to take a WoW pamphlet and I sat down on the ground to pray with them. One of them wanted to say it and you couldn't help but feel the spirit fill the...street...and tears were rolling down her eyes when she was done. Success. Just say no to pot and yes to Jesus.
I drove over and annihilated a blue frisbee the other day. Just as I was noticing all the millions of plastic pieces flying all over the road I looked to my right and saw a tiny little girl with the saddest face I've ever seen. Pretty sure that was her frisbee. Ooops. Mi malo.
My baby companion almost killed us and at least a dozen others when she missed an exit and decided to stop in the middle of the FREEWAY! Oh. My. Stars. Thank heavens the Lord has insured us and encased us with bubble wrap.
I went on exchanges up in Fremont last week. It was super fun. The sisters just replaced the Elders that used to work the area so they are in quite the worn in house. As I went in to use the bathroom, I heard the Sisters yelling something at me just as I sat down and was flung forward then backward on the toilet. I crawled out of the bathroom bracing myself against the walls, they were laughing their heads off, "we tried to warn you! The toilet rocks a bit." A BIT?! I almost died. Death by toilet. That's a headline. I have terrible luck with toilets.
I spoke in church on Sunday. In Spanish. For 10 minutes. Without looking at my notes. The people laughed. It was a Spanish miracle! I just started talking about Texas and cows and then football and then the UT Tower. After they were all good and giggly, I brought in the scriptures. I shared Mathew 5:16 about letting our light shine by our good works. Then I talked about the 9 attributes of Christ listed in Chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel and how working to obtain these helps increase the light we radiate which naturally draws people towards us. They can't help it! It's like one of those gross insect lights...they get lost in the trance! But, it really works. Our light is our best missionary tool. People want to know why we glow and when they ask we can tell them...it's because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Never underestimate the power in the smile, that's a good work that's supes easy to do. There is a lot of light that comes from one of those alone so send someone a smile this week!
Hna Hall
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