Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Confession: I danced

Thanksgiving was a blast which was a huge relief because I was all ready to be super sad missing my friends and family and outlet shopping at midnight. It wasn't sad at all! I mean I missed everyone but it was so wonderful to spend time with so many great families and I actually got to eat white people food! Yay! That might have been a tad racially insensitive, but I speak Spanish so I think it's ok. At one of the dinners I was a complete disaster. I needed to just lay flat down on the ground for a second (which is not lady or missionary like but whatever) and of course my dress flapped right on up, flashing everyone. Then at the table I spilled coke everywhere, used all the napkins and then I broke a serving spoon - I was on fire! Strangely enough the family loves me even more now or maybe they just feel so bad for awkwardness that it's super adorbs. 
The day after, we had a ward party eating more turkey and being a Spanish ward there was obviously music. We had TONS of non-member families show up so us 4 missionaries stayed the entire time and at multiple points I realized that I was for sure 'dancing'. My bad. It's just not possible to put me near dance music and expect me to sit there, it's against nature! The members were loving it and kept trying to get me in the middle of the dance floor the entire night. Several of them even came up and asked me to show them how to move like this white girl. ha! I'm sure I'll be getting a call from President in a few days...let me know if any bootleg photos of me show up on the interwebs. Oops. Totes worth it.
Our possessed investigator has been upgraded obsessed/stalker investigator and yesterday after church I literally had to step in between her and my companion because I'm pretty sure she is in love with her or is going to eat her heart. My sweet companion from Utah knows nothing about the wayward directions of the world. She'll for sure be transferred this next week now. Ahh the joys of missionary work and the often confusing warm, happy feelings of the spirit mixed with crazy obsession. Just another day here in San Jose Spanish program! Whoop whoop!
I am ever so grateful for everyone that has been so supportive of me on this mission. This is a trip like no other. This is the Lords work and he blesses us for it, but I would not make it without the love and support for all of you. Thank you.
Hermana Hall

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