Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jungle Gym

This week went by entirely too fast that I can't even remember what happened. I'm sure miracles occurred, they always do. San Jose rains miracles. Yesterday popped our bubble when none of our investigators (and we have a ton because we are just that good) showed up even AFTER stopping by one of their houses and helping pack up the car. No clue what happened, but it sure hurts as you watch the clock tick by in Sacrament Meeting and that door is not opening anymore. I sang again in church yesterday because everyone thought my piano playing companion was going to get transferred (which she did not) and they wanted to hear her one last time...that and I think they like to hear me try and say Spanish words. Something happened with her fingers and the piano so there was a bit of a disaster which I was really tempted to cover with some kind of clever joke until I remembered that I was at the podium in front of everyone in the middle of a spiritual number. It ended fine and they all still think I sound like an angel. Presh.
We've been teaching a lot of people with kids recently. It's not my favorite. I mean I enjoy a kid as much as anyone, but they don't love boring lessons about the Restoration. Shocker. I've been trying to explain this to my companion, but I don't think it's quite clicked yet. Anywhoo...why she goes on and on I try to distract the children aka I turn into a jungle gym. Now it's strictly against the rules for us to babysit or basically touch children, which I support 100% but I really don't know what to do when three kids start climbing up my lap on top of my head. What blows my mind even more than that is when their parents don't seem to notice it happening. Oh well. Turns out I'm better than a park.
Language mishaps continue, but they only make people love me more. The other day we were retelling the wonderful Conference Talk by Elder Holland about Peter and the fishing. I started talking about how Jesus was like come on Peter, get with it, if you want fish I can get you fish, what I need is for you my sheep. Laughter ensued...white girl doesn't get it. Then last night at a dinner appointment instead of saying 'sangre' (blood) I started talking about 'sangria'...the alcoholic beverage. My bad. Good thing I'm so precious.
My current pet peeve is the response to all commitments, "God willing". Will you read this scripture? "God willing". Will you come to church this Sunday? "God willing". Will you stop breaking all of the commandments? "God willing". GAH! Trust me, God is very willing for you to do all of these things. Isn't it funny that people use the excuse of God to not do things that God wants them to do. haha. I love it! But I also hate it. Then I realized, I do it too! I never use those words, but I'm sure I find plenty of reasonable excuses to not do things. We have some investigators that won't get baptized because they are waiting for the voice of the Lord to tell them to change churches. They know everything we taught is true, but they want more, it's God willing or nothing. This happens over and over in the Book of Mormon when people forget they have a part in the matter of faith. We must do out part too. If we want the support of our Heavenly Father, if we want the blessings and the understanding that is just waiting for us, we have to do something about it. I'm learning this starts with simple, honest and grateful prayer. We must do as they teach us in the Book of Mormon and humbly ask our Father to help us with the things we need, make up our weaknesses and bless us with guidance. Of course, God knows what we want and what we need but he only gives us what we wish is often not what we want. Surprise! Ah that's the joys and the pains of life. Isn't it great?! Woohoo!
Hermana Hall

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